
You cannot afford to settle for less and live below your potential just because you believe the dreams of greatness you carry are impossible to be actualized.   We are all missionaries of a sort on earth and we all have a mission.  Have you discovered your mission? Do you have a mission that looks impossible?  There are so many things that we have today that were thought impossible several decades ago.  Take for example, the aeroplane invented by the Wright Brothers. There are too many inventions that were thought completely impossible several years ago.  But some people decided to take a plunge into the depths of impossibility and they came forth with possibilities they we enjoy today. You are going to give up on your dreams, even if situations are not favourable yet.  Your dreams are going to happen because you will persist and involve God.

That are times you feel scared when you look at the massiveness of the dreams in your mind and you wonder if they can ever come true. I want you to know that there is no mission impossible when you are determined and you have the Omnipotent God in your team. I believe that there is no mission impossible especially when that mission is the one planted or in your imagination by God. It does not matter what constitute barriers or obstacles to the mission.  When the Almighty God partners with you on an impossible mission, you are going to succeed in that mission beyond your wildest dreams.  Even if people decide to conspire against you and they recommend your transfer to location that is similar to a “a den of lions”.  You conspirators will be disappointed and utterly disgraced because you will succeed in that “den of lions” to the extent that you will be promoted.

There was a young man, Joseph by name, who had a dream and saw the sun, the moon and eleven stars bowing down to him. In real life, he was living with his father, mother and eleven brothers. He was the second to the last born and favourite of their father.  Again he dreamed of being a farm with his brothers and their sheaves bowed to his own sheaf.  It became very clear that he was destined for inexplicable greatness.  Joseph would have wondered how the entire family would bow to him, the eleventh child.  It seemed absolutely ridiculous.  Having reeled out these dreams, his brothers became jealous and almost killed him before they eventually decided to sell him into slavery.  Joseph found himself a slave in faraway Egypt and that was where he rose to become the Prime Minister; the second-in-command to Pharoah, who was probably the most powerful leader in the world as at that time. If God has shown you a picture that seems impossible, it is important that you start doing the possible things you can do to prepare yourself because the picture will become a reality.




I wonder how Noah, another Bible character, felt when he received an instruction to build an ark to save people from the impending flood.  Considering Noah’s inexperience in building, the massiveness and complexity of the ark, it must have looked like an impossible project but the ark was successfully built even when there was no precedent.  Do you have an idea that you consider impossible?  Please discard your fear this minute because you going to make a success of that project especially if God is the one who has placed this idea in your mind.  You dreams are perfectly possible, don’t discard them.  Discard your fears instead.  See how you can become unstoppable in this article.

Start doing the possible as you journey towards accomplishing the impossible!

Speaker. Author. Talent Coach. Youth Consultant.

Order for Idowu Omisore’s bestsellers; Invest Your Youthful Years, Dream and Achieve Greatness (with the Foreword written by Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola [SAN]).

Call now to book Idowu Omisore for your coming programs. He’s a fantastic Spirit-filled speaking sensation!

+234 805 937 1461, +234 704 500 8591

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About idowuomisore

Idowu Omisore, fondly called ID Greatness, is the Founder of Youth Transformation Campaign (YTC). He is a youth development consultant, talent coach, poet, public speaker and author of 7 books: Invest Your Youthful Years; The Unstoppable Generation; Rev Up Your Success Hormones; Catalysts For Legislators & Patriots; Pages Of Greatness; Everything Rises And Falls On Attitude and Dream And Achieve Greatness. He's passionate about holistic youth development and nation building. He bagged his first and second degrees in Mass Communication and Marketing from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. To contact him for mentoring, speaking invitations or enquiries, please call / text 08059371461 or send a mail to
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