To manifest is to display, show, exhibit, demonstrate, reveal, indicate, express or declare something.

Since the beginning of the world, we have had men and women who have manifested God’s wisdom, grace and power, bringing solutions to problems of humanity and bringing glory to God.  Now, let’s look at different meanings of manifestation based on this topic.


  1. When something that has been hidden suddenly comes to limelight
  2. When the glory of the Lord is revealed, risen upon you (Isa. 60:1)
  3. When you are busy with your divine assignment (John 4:34; 9:4)
  4. When your life begins to bless others
  5. When your presence solves problems (Dr. Benjamin Carson – siamese twins; Thomas Edison – Electric bulb)
  6. When your God-given dreams come true (Joseph)
  7. When people begin to feel the impact of your life
  8. When you display the nature and character of God (godliness, excellence or the miraculous)
  9. When you start making a remarkable difference in your generation
  10. When you are using your talents, skills or gifts to touch lives
  11. When you become who God wants you to be (Jeremiah 1:4-5)


What are some things that can help you manifest as the son or daughter of God?

  1. Divine direction – Jeremiah 1:4-5; Prov. 16:9; 19:21
  2. Be willing to serve God/others. Elijah/Elisha; Paul/Timothy
  3. Training – turning your raw talents into skills
  4. Information – Be conversant of opportunities
  5. Knowledge – value of education, personal development (reading books/attending events)
  6. Empowerment of the HolySpirit: Isaiah 61:1-3; Joel 2:28
  7. Prayer & fasting
  8. Mentoring/Good counsels – Proverbs 11:14
  9. Good Friends – Proverbs 13:22
  10. Diligence – Proverbs 22:29
  11. Standing up for Jesus in character and courage (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) – Daniel 1:8; 3 – Don’t blend, standout in school, on your street, everywhere.
  12. Encounter with God that leads to genuine salvation experience Acts 9, not just being a church-goer, genuine repentance.


  1. Laziness to develop yourself and prepare
  2. Moving with wrong friends
  3. Having no specific goals that you are working on. No plan. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  4. Bad habits: drug abuse, procrastination
  5. Lack of responsibility – you are not ready to accept any work, assignment or responsibility in God’s house.
  6. Not understanding God’s purpose for your life – when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.
  7. Making wrong choices – Yahoo Plus, get-rich-quick means, robbery, internet fraud, use of charms, money ritual.
  8. The Devil and Agents of Darkness: 2 Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 6:12, John 10:10 – as long as you decide to live in sin, ungodliness and worldliness, the devil will gain access and authority over your life to stop manifestation.

You are a work-in-progress in God’s laboratory. God is working on you but you have to open up to Him and give Him your heart and life. Most of you here are still in the PREPARATION STAGE. Preparation comes before MANIFESTATION.

Whatever situation you are in today, don’t give up on yourself. You have a bright future ahead of you. God is taking you through a process; he’s preparing you for greatness.

Preparation is the key to manifestation. Everyone who manifested made preparations. Are you making preparation for your manifestation?

The devil is on a mission to stop/hinder your manifestation. Portiphar’s wife was used of the devil to seduce Joseph.

The manifestation of Joseph ended famine in Egypt. The manifestation of Joseph dreams brought him into the palace.  David manifested and Goliath was defeated, he later became the greatest King Israel ever had.

There are so many problems in the world today – sicknesses, diseases, poverty, horrible cultural practices (Mary Slessor killing of twins in Calabar), demonic attacks and insecurity. Your manifestation will bring a solution to these problems.

God have put great talents in you, develop them. People are waiting for your manifestation in fields of science and technology, medicine, ICT, engineering, in the economy and in the world at large. You are not created to be a local champion. The world is waiting for your manifestation but you have to prepare.  PREPARATION WILL BRING ABOUT YOUR MANIFESTATION.

About idowuomisore

Idowu Omisore, fondly called ID Greatness, is the Founder of Youth Transformation Campaign (YTC). He is a youth development consultant, talent coach, poet, public speaker and author of 7 books: Invest Your Youthful Years; The Unstoppable Generation; Rev Up Your Success Hormones; Catalysts For Legislators & Patriots; Pages Of Greatness; Everything Rises And Falls On Attitude and Dream And Achieve Greatness. He's passionate about holistic youth development and nation building. He bagged his first and second degrees in Mass Communication and Marketing from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. To contact him for mentoring, speaking invitations or enquiries, please call / text 08059371461 or send a mail to
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